Monday, June 8, 2009

Nearly a year

It's nearly been a year  since I've posted anything of the sort, I've had some swell adventures, learned that I label the men in my life  Beasts, Distractions, and Potential Beasts.
There's been a lot of learning about myself happening, the do's and don't of that casual FWB(Friends with benefits, or  Fuck Buddies) That many of us  seem drawn towards experiencing. 
 I find that   I  can  handle such a relationship,  yet  I get thrown askew when the male part of the equation decides to do  things  that can be considered cute  or  endearing. I'll probably create a  few  posts titled "Beastly adventures"  To rid my system once and for all of all the thoughts I have of him  my first  and  hopefully not  only Man Beast. Lust can be a suffocating thing, a welcome overwhelming distraction, though it seems to leave one wanting more, eternally unsatisfied, yet pleased enough to keep wanting. The ultimate drug it's what seems to lead humanity on at least in my eyes.