Monday, July 7, 2008

My Neighbor

Is a registered sex offender

you can google him
It says he was charged with Oral Copulation on a minor twice.
Why is it that I find  my barely legal self so tempted to tease him
and run past him on my daily jogs, while wearing  those extra short black cotton shorts, and pigtails in my hair.
I'm sure I'm going to get punished for it later in life by Kharma or something 
 but come on now ..He asked for it didn't he ? 
 being the sick individual he is .
How fun it would be 
 To be the trap.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

It's that time of night

When I notice the subtle dripping, and wandering of my fingers, over my shoulders, arms, and collarbone. My thoughts are heavy and  dark,  as images of things to come unfurl in my mind.  I come back to the realization that it's my own hands which have walked themselves across the satiny soft skin of my breasts, fingertips swirling around each perky pink bud of a nipple with slow precision, as if someone else was controlling the gentle caresses I made upon myself, bringing the slow measured gasps from my lips, the slight wriggling of my hips. I imagine your silhouette in my bathroom doorway, steam rising off of your freshly showered form and your dark half hidden gaze roams over my  curled toes and flexing calves, and eventually to my hands which have slid down to stroke my slit, the occasional fingertip caressing my clit. I bite my lower lip, stifling a moan as a finger slips into my wetness gently stroking ad swirling between the soaked folds. My mind is wandering now wondering why you are just leaning there so far yet close enough that I can smell the soap tinged  beads of perspiration that glisten on the taught muscles of your neck and shoulders . A shudder ones through me as you finally push away from the door frame and stalk over to me, crawling atop my form to hold yourself above me teasingly close. I can feel the water dripping from you, splashing across my bare skin, causing my back to arch  which brings perked nipples just millimeters from your chest. I  bring one of my moistened hands up, to trace a finger over your lips, yet just as I'm about to touch that soft pink flesh  my eye's blink open and are momentarily blinded by the rectangular slats of morning light intruding through my half opened blinds.

So I submit..To the blogging world

It appears I have a few tales to weave and adventures to tell of...along with the occasional musing here or there  I appreciate your visits and love the random chats.

more Soon